Welcome to the new iteration of the Cardboard Empire blog. The Times Union decided to wind down their blogs for fear that they were receiving criticism over their community blogs being interpreted as journalism. Which… is a pretty far leap. But regardless you won’t find any journalism here. Just soft warm opinions, no cold hard facts.
I have brought over the content from the old blog so it has a new place to live and hope to start updating this blog a bit more frequently in the near future. It goes without saying that board gaming has been more challenging lately as the regular public game night is out the window during the pandemic and private game gatherings are also pretty rare. However, gaming finds a way and I am hoping to get more games to the table (virtual or not) in the near future and report back here with my latest findings.
With that being said, the new blogging home brings a bit more freedom in terms of topics, so be prepared for some non-cardboard ruminations as well. The sky’s the limit, although I assure you it will all be quite nerdy regardless of the topic. I also hope to do more in-depth dives into some of my favorite games, more formal reviews as well as hopefully more interviews. So stay tuned!
Plenty has changed since this humble blog began on the TU 5 years ago, but just as I started then I want to start here by introducing you to the board game shelf. This is where the magic happens and while games have come and gone every one of these boxes contains cherished memories, or raw potential to create new ones. The shelf has grown vertically, a much coveted four cubes worth of new space, much of which was quickly filled by the previous overflow and games from the partner I now live with. And certainly despite the difficulty of actually playing games during covid the collection has somehow still grown. Lots of new exciting games to talk about and play.
I hope to update every Friday, so make sure to tune in!